Summer Events

Rather than Soccer Camp or a conventional VBS program, we are doing something different this summer.  We will be hosting a series of family-friendly evening events throughout the summer which we hope will entertain and also enrich those attending. The plan is to have workshops, some related to the Community Garden (different ways to use the garden harvest, and other garden-related topics) with other fun topics and activities included as well (like a Movie Night).  Each session (except movie night) will have a short lesson for kids and adults + a craft for kids and a workshop for the adults.  Snacks will also be provided.  The sessions will generally run from 6:30-8:00 pm.  The program kicks-off on Monday, June 17.  The planned schedule for June and early July:

June 17 - Theme: Sourdough Bread (Intro)
June 19 - Sourdough Bread (conclusion)
Friday, June 21 - Potluck meal and Family Movie Night
Wed., June 26 – Make a Sign (Paint a Sign)
Wed., July 10 – Family Game Night

The tentative dates for the remainder of the summer:

Wed., July 21, Friday, July 26-Potluck & movie, Wed. Aug. 7, Wed. Aug. 21, Friday Aug. 23 - Potluck & movie.

We haven’t yet assigned specific themes for the remainder of the evenings after July 10th but some of the ideas under discussion are: Cooking-Making Sauce, Canning basics,  Making Vegetable Stock, Soccer night-field games. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for one of the workshops!